:: Dual Force Plates

See our Force Plates being used to maximum effect by US Open winner Bryson Bryson DeChambeau! CNN / Facebook

What We Measure and How does help your Swing

Vertical, Horizontal Forces (Force = Mass x Acceleration) are all linear in direction and only contribute to the main Forces in a golfers swing which are Rotational Forces (Torque = Moment Arm x Force)

Product information PDFs
Dual Force Plates / POWER Dual Force Plates

Vertical Force

Vertical Force – GASP 3D Dual Force Plate measures lead and trail vertical forces as well as the combined vertical force. A golfer uses vertical force as an element to create Frontal Plane Torque, also it helps flatten out the arch near impact shallowing the attack angle. Vertical force average from foot to foot controls Centre of Pressure.

Horizontal Trail/Lead Force

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GASP 3D Dual Force Plate measures lead and trail horizontal forces as well as the combined horizontal force. This force helps move the position of the vertical force as well contributing to Frontal Plane Torque by helping generate a moment arm.

Horizontal Anterior/Posterior Force

<p> Horizontal Anterior/Posterior Force:- GASP 3D Dual Force Plate measures lead and trail horizontal A/P forces as well as the combined horizontal A/P force. This force helps in the create Horizontal Plane Torque on individual feet and combined GRF. Also Sagittal Plane Torque is influenced by this force which in turn done correctly helps maintain body posture.

Centre of Pressure

Using our Dual Plate system we measure the COP and COP trace of a player and the position of the Free Moment.

Centre of Pressure Velocity

The velocity of the COP is an important in generation of club head speed

Centre of Mass

The players body and Club mass is vital for measuring Horizontal Torque, Frontal Plane Torque, Sagittal Plane Torque.

Moment Arm

We measure Frontal, Sagittal, Transverse Plane. Using the COM is the only way to measure a moment are along with

Frontal Plane Torque

One of the most important GRF in a Golfers Swing. This force primary job is to increase club speed. Science shows us that increasing your Frontal Plane Torque is directly linked to longer tee shots. Creating Frontal Plane Torque is a combination of the COM, Combined Vertical Force and Moment Arm

Horizontal Plane Torque

Using the Horizontal A/P forces and the location of the COM you can calculate Horizontal Plane Torque. This force in this plane helps generate pelvis and Torso rotation.

Pivoting Torque

This torque is very similar to Horizontal Plane Torque, but this time this is measured using the COP to create the moment arm.

Sagittal Plane Torque

The A/P forces, Vertical force and the COM are used to create Sagittal Plane Torque. This force is one force we should try and reduce as it helps maintain posture during the swing.

Free Moment (TZ) - This is the foot contact force. One of the smallest Torques in a golf swing but still carries importance.

Stance Width

The Plates also Measure the stance width of the player.


Dual 3D Force Plates


Product Description



Unprecedented information and accuracy as to how a player uses the ground. We measure data under each foot as well as the combined data from both feet.

This includes:

Vertical Force Left; Vertical Force Right; Vertical force Combined; Horizontal Left/Right Force, Horizontal Toe/Heel Force, Rotational Forces Right; Rotational Forces Left Rotational Force Combined; Centre of Pressure Trace; Horizontal Center Mass; Force Vectors; Moment arm; Frontal Plane Torque; Sagittal Plane Torque; Horizontal Plane Torque; Pivoting Torque; Transverse Plane Torque; Foot Contact Torque.

With this information, collected up to 1500HZ synchronized to high speed video, launch data and 3d body movement combine it with GASP Lab 64 bit, there is no other Golf System available that allows you to analyse Ground Reaction Forces at this level of accuracy and detail.

We offer 2 pairs of Force Plates. A portable system and a static system. For more technical information see more downloads.

Other formats available please contact us for a price, excludes V.A.T and shipping.